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May Monthly Wrap Up

 Happy Wednesday! 

I hope your May has been going well! I'm hoping next month I'll be able to find some energy to be more present on this blog either talking about my writing or God or whatever comes to mind. For now though, here's my update for the month! I don't know how many people actually read these. They've come to be more for me than for anyone else. I love looking back in the archives of my blog and reading through my monthly wrap ups. These are also great places to get updates on my writing and mini reviews of the books I've read. 

May Writing: 

I finished the first draft of a new WIP called Immortal Circus at the very beginning of this month. Since then, I've been giving myself a break from it to work on Heart of Xion edits and writing the first draft of the sequel to a different book. My goal is to have that first draft finished by November so that I can do Nanowrimo (or whatever other challenge I may decide to do since Nanowrimo has made some dicey decisions lately) with a different project. 

To be honest, everything has been pretty slow this month including writing. I've been having some health stuff going on and its left with having a hard time focusing or having the energy to sit down and do serious writing. I'm trying to let myself take things slow and give myself rest. I've done a ton of writing and editing in the past few months, not to mention having published two books between January and March, so I think I owe myself a break or at least the time and ability to slow down without putting any deadlines on myself. 

All that to say though, I'm hard at work plugging away at edits for Heart of Xion. I got some great feedback from beta readers and am going to be taking the rest of this month and all of June to implement them. 

May Reading: 

Like everything else, reading has been slow lately. I haven't had the mental energy or focus to do a lot of reading. I've mostly been watching shows. But I did get two done this month and have started a third. 

I've been so excited about the sequel to The Saltwater Heir since the moment I finished it and The Phoenix Priest completely delivered.

Not only is the cover gorgeous, but the story within is amazing! I love the world Cassidy Clarke has created and all the characters she's fleshed out. They're all so dynamic and relatable. Some her writing felt a little sluggish at times, but I can't wait to see what happens in book 3! 

I just finished another anticipated read called Vampires, Hearts, and Other Dead Things by Margie Fuston.

It was less supernatural-y than I thought it would be, but it was a beautiful and emotional story that really tugged at my heart. It made me nostalgic and reminded me of The Vampire Diaries. Also, I really enjoyed all the quotes at the top of each chapter from different vampire movies, books and shows. I'm excited to read her next book coming out soon that is also all about vampires. 

May Life Stuff: 

May has felt hard. I know there have been some great moments. I went to a pool party and hung out with friends and there have been good days, but at the moment its kind of hard to stay focused on them. I've been struggling with my anxiety and depression quite a bit this month along with some physical symptoms that has left me with a lot of fatigue most days. Its hard to stay positive sometimes when you have a slew of bad days and enough fatigue to make you just want to lay in bed all day. I also got a pretty bad cold last week. Thankfully I've recovered from it, but it wasn't fun to be that sick for a few days. 

There are two really big things that have happened this month though. The first is I got a job! I'm going to be working as a DSP (direct support professional) for my brother who has high functioning autism. I had orientation last week and it went really well. I start tonight actually. 

The second thing is... we're moving! My parents have been looking for a house for the past month. Really, they'd been contemplating it for more than a month and we finally found one that works for our family! Plus, it's got a pool. How awesome is that? I'm a little sad to move. I hate change and its been a tiring and stressful few days of scrambling to get our house packed and ready to be put on the market, but I'm confident this is what God has for us, so I'm trying to rest in His sovereignty and trust that He has what's best for us in hand. 

Other than that, not much else has been going on. Kenobi and Stranger Things Season 4 comes out on Friday, which I am very excited for. I'm also going to an AJR concert on Saturday and then having a Memorial Day party with friends on, well, Memorial Day. It'll be a good end to the month and to a very busy and fairly stressful week. 

Looking Forward to June: 

I'm finding hope in the fact that at the start of June I have an appointment with a functional doctor to help figure out what's going on with my body. I'm really hoping and praying that they will be able to give some insight and help me find a way to get out of this rut I've been in. I am very much looking forward to that in June. 

We move at the end of June, so we'll be doing lots of packing and stuff. I'm sure there will be lots of hanging out with friends and all the summer things too. Definitely swimming in our new pool and having grill nights with friends. 

Other than those two things... I can't think of anything else big or small going on in June haha 


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