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November Wrap Up

 Happy Wednesday and early Thanksgiving! 

I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving tomorrow! We're heading to my grandparents' today and plan to celebrate together tomorrow. We usually drive up there on Thanksgiving so we always miss the parade, so I'm glad we'll be able to watch it tomorrow morning and not miss any of it. I can't quite believe we're so close to December.
We're so close to this year being over. It feels surreal. This whole year has felt surreal to me honestly. Where I was last November and where I am now has struck me a lot lately. I've stopped several times over the past few weeks and had a moment of... is this really where I am? Is this my life now? In a good way haha I have so much to be thankful for and I'm so happy with where I am right now. 

November Writing: 

I won Nanowrimo this year and it went ten times better than last year. Maybe 2020 really was just cursed cus last year's Nanowrimo was not fun and did not go well for me at all haha But this year, it was really good and I had so much fun and am completely in love with the WIP I worked on! Project Xion still has a ton of work, but I'm very proud of it and excited for all the potential it has. 

I'm currently reading through and editing Desert Flower while I give Project Xion a breather before I start edits on that. Emerald Phantom is all polished up and ready to be published! I just have to order author copies and make sure the paperback looks good and everything. 

There's not much else to say other than Nanowrimo went well and I'm now deep in the editing cave and have a feeling I will be in the editing cave for a while now haha 

November Reading: 

I didn't do much reading this month. My streak slowed down big time, but I did just finish On These Black Sands by Vanessa Rasanen over the weekend.

I honestly lost interest about halfway through, but I still wanted to finish it so I just kind of plowed through to the end haha It was good if you like pirates and magic and high sea adventures. I like all of that... but I don't know, I feel like maybe the book was a little too wordy for me. Heavy on the inner monologue. I like action and lots of dialogue haha 

Last week my copy of A Little Beside You by Jenni Sauer came last week, so I'm starting that! I'm absolutely in love with everything about this book. It's so beautiful!

November Life Stuff: 

I threw my first ever Friendsgiving party! Becoming a youth group leader is one of the best things I did this year. It's brought so much to life. I got to invite the youth group girls over and eat food and play Just Dance and just have a good time. It was so fun. 

I also went to my first Magic the Gathering event and am now officially hooked on this game. I got a whole bunch of cards and am planning to build my own deck soon. 

We decorated for Christmas this month and got to do a whole Fall photoshoot. I got some really gorgeous pictures too that I can't wait for my mom to be done editing so I can share them! We got to walk through our little down town antique mall and just last week we went to Cabella's and hung out with some friends there. My mom's friend's daughter who's still little got to see Santa so that was fun watching her get to do that and take pictures with him. 

I feel like that's about it... I can't think of anything else. I got to hang out with friends a lot this month. Either going out to eat or playing MTG together. It was a good month overall. 

Looking Forward to December: 

What I'm looking forward to the most is the end of classes haha I'm so ready to be done with this semester. My classes have been interesting, but I'm just ready for a break. I'm excited for Christmas! We're going to go to the fancy fashion mall near us and the Christmas Market our town has every year. There's going to be a Christmas party for the volunteers at my church. It's just going to be a good December. Last December was kind of rough and had a lot of hard moments, so I'm looking forward to a better one this year. 

I'm so excited for Spiderman: No Way Home! That's going to be so epic! I feel like there are a few other shows or movies in December I'm excited for but I can't remember any of them haha I'm excited to see how the Hawkeye show turns out near the end of this month and into December. I think that one will be really good. 

Other than that... I'm just looking forward to a good December. 

What about you? How was your November? What are you looking forward to next month? 


  1. Congrats on winning Nano!! Way to go! And I’m so glad you have a positive experience with Youth Group! Ah, I’m excited for Christmas break as well!

    1. Thanks! I was so excited I finished and that it went well this year! :b Yeah, it's been so amazing. I'm really glad I decided to volunteer. :) I'm so ready for Christmas break. I can't wait for these last two weeks of the semester to end haha

  2. Congrats on Nano! Glad it went well this year, I wish I would have made myself do it.
    I keep meaning to read On these Black Sands.

    1. Thanks! Maybe next year you'll get the chance for Nano :b
      It was good! Can't go wrong with pirates XD


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