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Tuesday Tip #3: Reaching Your Ideal Reader

Happy Tuesday! 

Last week I talked about how to find your ideal reader. This week I want to talk about how to use what you learned to reach your ideal reader. Full disclosure, this is something I'm still learning and figuring out. I haven't implemented all of these, but I'm hoping in the next few months I'll slowly get grasp on this topic. This will be a smaller post then because I'm still learning about how to implement these things and use what I've learned about my ideal reader to reach them.  

The whole reason you get to know and find your ideal reader is so you can use what you've learned to get your books in front of them. These are the readers that would absolutely love your books! But first, you need to figure out how to show them your books. 

The first thing you can use your drabble or whatever you used to get to know your ideal reader is to find out where they hang out on social media. A fifteen through seventeen year old would frequent a different social media network than say someone in their forties and fifties. For me, I know that my ideal reader will be on Instagram the most, so that's where I hang out. I also know that my ideal reader would be into bookstagram, so I have a bookstagram (also, it's just a ton of fun taking pictures of books haha). 

Along with knowing what social media they're on, it can help you know which social media to use as a marketing tool. You can create ads on Facebook and Instagram. If you plan to do that sort of thing then I suggest doing your research and figuring out which social media platform your ideal reader would be more likely to see your ads. 

Knowing who your ideal reader is also helps you to know what to post about on social media and even on your blog and in your newsletter. It informs all the content you put out. This may seem unauthentic, to figure out what your ideal reader likes and then just posting about that. It feels smarmy... but it's not. I like the way Jenni Sauer talked about this. She was like it's about finding where you and your ideal reader intersect. If your ideal reader likes history and you like history then post about history facts. If your ideal reader likes tea and YA books and you like both of those things, then post about that. But say you're into horses or bullet journaling but your ideal reader isn't... well then there's no real point in talking about either of those things when you and your ideal reader have other things in common that you could talk about instead. So for me, I know my ideal reader likes tea, YA books, journaling, and good music, so I'll make a habit of posting about those things because I also like those things too! Obviously your ideal reader is also going to be interested in your books/writing, so make sure to post about that too! 

On a less action sort of point, knowing your ideal reader is helpful even if you don't implement any of these. Whenever you start to lose faith or lose focus you can go back to your ideal reader and remember that you are publishing this book to connect with someone who is out there in the world. Even if its an audience of one. 

Really, the best way to implement your ideal reader info is to use it in terms of what content you're putting out there. Not in a smarmy, unauthentic way, but in a real and organic way. Choose things that both of you would be interested in. 

I hope this short and sweet post is helpful to you in finding out fun and creative ways to reach your ideal reader! 

Do you have an tips or tricks on how to use your ideal reader info to reach them? Who is your ideal reader? 


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