Happy Friday! The first week of February is coming to a close!
The beginning of the week started out kind of rocky for me. For some reason, I kept thinking all of Monday that next week was this week. My brother's birthday is next Saturday, Valentine's Day is next Friday, and I have a dentist appointment on Thursday. I thought all that was happening this week. I did have a dentist appointment this week, yesterday actually. Anyways, Monday was a weird day haha!
I got a lot of my work done at the beginning of the week, like I did last week, which is kind of nice. I only have one other thing for class to worry about over the weekend.
This week I also started revisions on Golden Touch! Honestly, that was the easiest book I've ever revised! There were a few small things that needed fixing, I deleted a few scenes, added like two scenes and that's it. I've downloaded it onto my Kindle app and am now reading through it. I'm thinking I might do a post on it at some point to share about the characters and a little of what it's about and stuff. I just love this book so much and I can't wait to finish the edits.
Edits on Cursed are still going strong. I'm trying not to compare the struggles of editing this book with the ease of Golden Touch. Cursed has just been super difficult... Sequels are hard in the first place and the first draft was a major mess so it's requiring a whole lot more work. I'm still on schedule though. Once this draft is finished, I'll have about one more draft before I can send it out to beta readers! :b
I also finished reading the latest Renegade X book by Chelsea M. Campbell. They're so fun and easy to read. I get through a Renegade X book within a day or two. I'm so used to Damian's voice and Chelsea's writing style that I can easily devour her books.
Technically this was last week, but I went to a superbowl party on Sunday. That was really fun and just a nice, relaxed experience with my small group. No one there was an overly crazy football person so we could all just chill and have a good time together.
I had the dentist yesterday, which is never fun but at least now I only have one more appointment next week and then I'm done for a little while.
So, yeah... it's been a pretty uneventful week. Oh, it did rain ice Wednesday night. Like a lot of it! The roads were super bad. Thursday it snowed on and off... No sun in sight. I'm tired of all the clouds. Even if it stays cold out, I just want to see the sun for a week straight.
How has your week been? Has it been extra cold and cloudy where you are lately?
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