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Best Resources for Writers

Happy Wednesday once more everyone! So recently I've been doing a lot of craft-learning and have discovered some pretty awesome resources that have been so helpful to me. I'm also contemplating trying my hand at a How To guide for writers.
I've already written a How to Write a Serial book and it just needs to be touched up. I think I might make it one of my freebies for my newsletter. So then not only do you get a short story but also a how to guide cuz I realized a lot of the newsletters I sign up for come with how to guides or writerly resources. But anyways, here are some of my favorite books/podcasts/blogs that have been so, so helpful to me over the past few months:

Craft Books:

  • Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel by Stephanie Morril and Jill Williamson: This one has a little bit of everything in it and is perfect for beginners. If you've just started plotting your novel, are in the middle of writing it or have begun the editing process this is a must have! 
  • Storyworld First by Jill Williamson: This book taught me so much about worldbuilding! I was a terrible worldbuilder and had no idea where to start until I got this book. Jill Williamson loves worldbuilding so getting to read her book on the subject was so helpful. 
  • Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King: I've actually just started going through this book. I've had it on my Kindle for a few years now but never got around to reading it or using it as a resource until now. So far it's been super helpful. 
  • Grow Your Author Platform by Mandi Lynn and Bethany Atazadeh: This one just came out yesterday and I read it last night. It's small and compact and full of important information and helpful advise on how to grow your author platform. I already knew a lot of what they talked about but that's only because I've been doing a ton of research on platforms and branding over the past few months. 
  • The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi: I use this one literally all the time! It's very important to my editing process. 
  • Keep Going by Austin Kleon: Love this book. It's so encouraging and really challenges you on how to live your best creative life. 
  • Show Your Work by Austin Kleon: This book is also about platform building, only Kleon has very different opinions on branding (that I whole-heartedly agree with). If you're just starting out and want to start growing a community and a following, this book is a definite must read. 


  • Create If Writing by Kirsten Oliphant (this one has become my top favorite podcast. I listen to so many of her episodes every week and they are all so helpful)!  
  • The Worried Writer by Sarah Painter 
  • Helping Writers become Authors by K.M. Weiland 

  • Go Teen Writers: This blog has shaped the writer I've become. I wouldn't have learned anything about my craft or how to write "properly" without help from this blog. I love what they do over there, teaching and encouraging young writers. Not only is this blog for teen writers, but all of their posts can be invaluable to new writers just starting out no matter your age or seasoned writers who need a refresher or help with something specific. I usually just search their blog for posts until I found what I'm looking for. 
  • Well-Storied
  • Rachel Giesel
  • Helping Writers Become Authors
  • Now Novel
  • The Creative Penn
  • Mixtus Media: I use this one All The Time!! This blog is especially for those who are building a platform and brand. There's lots of helpful posts about newsletters and Instagram. 
So there you have it. My ultimate list of resources for writers. I hope these are helpful to you. Almost all of the ones I've listed are free. Most of the books aren't, though I did read Grow Your Author Platform on Kindle Unlimited so that kind of counts as free if you have the monthly subscription. 

What are some of your favorite writing resources? 


  1. Ooo, I’ve never heard of a lot of these - I’ll have to check them out! Great post, Melody!

  2. Oh, I'll be trying to check out some of these podcasts ;D

    1. Yess! I highly recommend Create If Writing. She has some really great and helpful episodes on there, especially for aspiring indie authors. :)

      - Melody

  3. I honestly have had about 50% support on the whole writing deal through books/podcasts etc. Infact, I didn't read anything about writing or blogging until after I'd been writing for years. xD Basically, I fly by the seat of my pants. (Bet you couldn't guess that)

    These all look so helpful, though, so I believe I might check them out! Thank you for the feature, Melody! ^^

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. Haha I go through these stages where sometimes all I do is learn about writing. Like read all the books and blog posts and listen to all the podcasts and then there are other times when I'm like nah, I got this. I don't need any help or to learn anything, I'm good. At the moment I am definitely in the read everything I can get my hands on about writing stage haha


  4. Yes to all of these! GTW all the way. And I love K. M. Weiland's podcast! I've been listening to it lately while driving to work and it's fantastic.

  5. So many great resources! I use many of these!


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