So this Friday in Review I'm trying something a little different. When I first started this blog I posted Bible verses at least three or four times a week on here and it was great but somewhere along the way I stopped doing that and got caught up in the writing and reader aspect of blogging. Which is great and I won't stop doing but I also want to make room on here for God and verses and my faith. So that's what I'm doing today.
For my birthday I think it was, my mom got me this Promise Journal. It's gorgeous inside and out and I just finished my last Bible journal so now I've started on this one. On every other page (ever left page to be exact) there are verses and quotes on different aspects of a relationship with God and then on the right is lined pages that you can write on. I love reading through the quotes and verses and find them beautiful and encouraging and uplifting so I wanted to share one of the pages on here. This one at the top says The Best Times.
When you open up the Bible and you pray the Scriptures back to God, you're experiencing something really wonderful... He's delighted. The silence confirms that we are His people. We are talking and God is listening. But the best times are when God starts talking, and we're quiet enough to hear Him.
- Calvin Miller (I think this is really beautiful because it shows how great of a listener God is. More times than not I just need an ear to listen and He's always there. And when I need an answer or advice or guidance He talks or answers at just the right time when I need it the most).
That is God's call to us--simply to be people who are content to live close to Him and to renew the kind of life in which the closeness is felt and experienced.
-Thomas Merton (This is a reminder that nothing else should really matter. We should be content with a life spent in the closeness of Him. A kind of closeness that everyone should strive for, one that is felt and experienced and a two way street, not just a one way road).
For my birthday I think it was, my mom got me this Promise Journal. It's gorgeous inside and out and I just finished my last Bible journal so now I've started on this one. On every other page (ever left page to be exact) there are verses and quotes on different aspects of a relationship with God and then on the right is lined pages that you can write on. I love reading through the quotes and verses and find them beautiful and encouraging and uplifting so I wanted to share one of the pages on here. This one at the top says The Best Times.
When you open up the Bible and you pray the Scriptures back to God, you're experiencing something really wonderful... He's delighted. The silence confirms that we are His people. We are talking and God is listening. But the best times are when God starts talking, and we're quiet enough to hear Him.
- Calvin Miller (I think this is really beautiful because it shows how great of a listener God is. More times than not I just need an ear to listen and He's always there. And when I need an answer or advice or guidance He talks or answers at just the right time when I need it the most).
That is God's call to us--simply to be people who are content to live close to Him and to renew the kind of life in which the closeness is felt and experienced.
-Thomas Merton (This is a reminder that nothing else should really matter. We should be content with a life spent in the closeness of Him. A kind of closeness that everyone should strive for, one that is felt and experienced and a two way street, not just a one way road).
I have set the Lord always before me...
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure...
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
-Psalm 16:8-9 (I love the second to last verse. You will fill me with joy in your presence. When you have a hard time feeling or finding joy go to Him and He will fill you with His joy when you can't find any.)
The kiss of eternal life, and the warm embrace of God's Word, are so sweet, and bring such pleasure, that you can never become bored with them; you always want more.
-Hildegard of Bingen (This is very true. Once you start reading (for me anyways) the Word, you realize how hungry you are and don't want to stop, especially after a long time of not getting into the Bible, you become ravenous. Or you can read a verse over and over again across a week or a month and every, single, day God can use that verse to tell you different things in so many different ways. You can never grow bored with God's Word).
Those are all the sayings and the verse on the Best Times page in my journal and I hope you found them as beautiful and encouraging as I did. I don't know if I'm going to blog on here so that I can not only write about writing and geeky stuff that I love but also about my faith and God that I love so much more. But I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope that these encourage you through the weekend and into the next week.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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