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When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy

So I finally finished this book! And it was incredible and amazing on every level! I'm just going to dive right in and tell you everything that's great about this book. But first here's the cover:

Ok, now that you know what it looks like I can start talking. So first of all I love how Eric and Leslie share the book. One chapter is Eric's opinion and the next is Leslie's which is great because all the girls reading this book can know what's going on in a good christian guy's head and a guy can read what a good christian girl wants in a man. At the first chapter or two I was confused because I started reading and the two author's started talking about God. I thought ok... this is good. I like where their going but I thought this book was supposed to be on relationships... not about God. But I ended up loving where they went with it. They talked about how you need to have a great, passionate desire to know and love God before you can even think about diving into a relationship. God has to be your number one first and foremost. Once you have that loving, unexplainable relationship with Him then you can start looking (in the right way) for for that special someone. Actually Eric and Leslie made it very clear that you shouldn't be looking. God is the one who looks. He finds that person and will put that person in your life when He is ready. Not when we're ready. You just have to trust that He'll do it all in the right time. In the first chapter they also talked about pretty much what I just said. That you need to give your pen over to the Author of Romance, to the greatest Author there is. Instead of trying desperately to write your own love story you need to give your pen over to God and let Him write out the perfect fairy tale love story. 

In part two they talked about something that I thought was really cool and that I had never thought about before. You can pray for your future spouse. Even though you don't know them yet you can still pray that God will guide them and prepare them for you and that He would keep them safe. I thought it was so sweet how Eric Ludy had written love notes to Leslie even before they had ever met. They also talked about purity and how we should save ourselves physically and emotionally for our future spouse. I agree whole heartedly on the physically but I think it is totally ok to share your thoughts and emotions with guy-friends. 

There is so much more they talked about like picking a "team" of people to pray for you and to help you decide on the path that God is leading you to go, preparing yourself practically for your future spouse and everything in between. Over all I thought it was a fantastic must-read book that is encouraging, God-centered and helpful. 


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