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Sterling Silver Chapters 26, 27 and 28!

Heey! Chapters 26, 27 and 28 are out on Wattpad!! I started working on the sequel that I'm calling Blood Brothers for now and it is by far one of the best books I've written. I'm loving every second of writing this book, of writing more of Tabitha and Sebastian's story and I can't wait to share it once I'm finished! For now though, Sterling Silver is on Wattpad and we only have a few more weeks before it's finished, so catch up while you can! Right now it's also ranked as #37 in the vampirehunter tag. :)

Here's a sneak peek from chapter 27:

Tabitha followed his line of sight and found Keller getting to his feet. The angry vampire growled through clenched teeth and clutching his healing stomach.
"Don't touch her again," Alistair commanded.
Keller snarled something nasty under his breath, grabbed his drink and stalked off into another room. Alistair gracefully swooped down and grabbed the bloody knife from the floor. He didn't bother to even give Tabitha a glance as he went to the kitchen and set his grocery bag on the counter and the knife in the sink. He grabbed a wash cloth that hung by the fridge, watered it and began to mop up all the blood. Tabitha was frozen, maybe in shock or maybe in pure terror but she couldn't move. Jonas sat unmoving on the couch, his eyes wide and staring at Tabitha, his hands fisted around the blanket.

And then Alistair straightened. He rung the bloody cloth out in the sink, set it down and turned to her, resting his hands on the counter, a faint smile on his lips. "Now I believe I have some explaining to do. And so do you Miss. Sterling."


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