So this Friday in Review I'm trying something a little different. When I first started this blog I posted Bible verses at least three or four times a week on here and it was great but somewhere along the way I stopped doing that and got caught up in the writing and reader aspect of blogging. Which is great and I won't stop doing but I also want to make room on here for God and verses and my faith. So that's what I'm doing today. For my birthday I think it was, my mom got me this Promise Journal. It's gorgeous inside and out and I just finished my last Bible journal so now I've started on this one. On every other page (ever left page to be exact) there are verses and quotes on different aspects of a relationship with God and then on the right is lined pages that you can write on. I love reading through the quotes and verses and find them beautiful and encouraging and uplifting so I wanted to share one of the pages on here. This one at the top says The Best Ti...
My little corner of the internet where I talk about faith, books, writing and more!